Saturday, October 30, 2010

Extra Credit Assignment 6

Due Wednesday, Nov. 3, 2010 (Worth 6 points)
Next week, I am assigning the final feature story. Sooo, it's not too early to start thinking of ideas.
Part 1
Go to this Web site: Pick three places where you can shop for stories.
1. List three specific places that can be used for a local angle.
2. Come up with one story idea for each specific place. What would your nut graf be?
3. List two primary sources you could use for each one: one person and one document
Part 2
1. If you could blog about anything in the world, what would it be? (What interests you, or what would you
like to know more about?)
2. List an idea for the first three stories you would write. What would your nut grafs be for each story.
3. List two primary sources for each one: one person and one document
**Hopefully these exercises will give you an idea of a story you could write for your final feature!

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